Who Should Attend?

  • Quality Assurance engineers
  • DevOps team members
  • Project Managers
  • Quality Assurance leads

Exam Details

There is no exam as part of this course.


  • Summarise what ALM Octane is and where it fits in your project lifecycle
  • Differentiate ALM Octane from the traditional ALM (ALM.NET)
  • Define the purpose of ALM Octane
  • Describe the various features and functionalities available with ALM Octane
  • Describe how ALM Octane helps in Agile methodology by supporting velocity without compromising quality
  • Perform administration tasks at a basic level on the ALM Octane platform

Select a date

Please note: this course runs on demand so the price is TBC. It can be arranged to run on-site at your offices as Training for Teams or as a public course if there is sufficient interest.

Please contact us for more details.

Course Content and Agenda

This course covers 17 modules over three days as detailed below:

  • Explain the daily classroom schedule and structure
  • Review the overall course objectives
  • Describe ALM Octane
  • Explain the ALM Octane lifecycle
  • Log in to ALM Octane
  • Set up releases, teams, and workflows
  • Build a backlog
  • Plan a release
  • Track progress
  • Analyse and monitor release quality
  • Plan and create workflow in the Agile model
  • Create backlogs
  • Plan releases and sprints
  • Create tasks
  • Track overall release progress
  • Summarise the manual testing flow
  • Describe manual and Gherkin tests
  • Create tests
  • Execute tests
  • Report defects
  • Analyse results
  • Set up integration with a CI server
  • Create a pipeline
  • Configure the pipeline
  • Run pipelines from ALM Octane
  • Assign tests to application modules and backlog items
  • Analyse the build and release quality
  • Emulating correct “real user” behaviour
  • Identify and view assigned items
  • View tests
  • View test runs
  • Advance the phase of an item
  • Relate items to other items
  • Attach files to items
  • View item history
  • Define ALM Octane backlog
  • Explain the backlog cycle
  • Explain backlog entities
  • Build product backlogs
  • Create the backlog tree
  • Add user stories and quality stories to the backlog
  • Rank the backlog
  • Rank the backlog items subsets
  • Identify release planning prerequisites
  • Build a release backlog
  • Assign backlog items to individual team members
  • Move stories to another release
  • Balance release and sprint workloads
  • Break stories into tasks
  • Assign stories using team member buckets
  • Track team progress
  • Work on your stories
  • Describe pipelines
  • Explain how ALM Octane builds pipelines
  • Display pipelines in ALM Octane
  • Create and configure pipelines in the Jenkins UI
  • Create an ALM Octane pipeline in Jenkins
  • Edit the pipeline and configure pipeline steps in Jenkins
  • Run the pipeline from ALM Octane
  • View pipeline results
  • Analyse automated test failures
  • Track code changes
  • View and share the pipeline overview
  • Create manual tests
  • Create Gherkin tests
  • Automate Gherkin tests
  • Create test suites
  • Save and compare versions of test scripts
  • Run manual tests, Gherkin tests, and test suites
  • Plan test runs
  • Add automated tests
  • Run automated tests
  • Analyse automated test run results
  • Report defects
  • Fix defects
  • Monitor defects
  • Analyse product quality
  • Track and analyse build, release, and product quality
  • Analyse overall quality in the Dashboard
  • View an overview of product or release quality
  • Analyse product and release quality in ALM Octane grids
  • Analyse build quality using pipeline data
  • Describe and use ALM Dashboards
  • Use Dashboards
  • Create and configure widgets
  • Create workspaces
  • Create releases
  • Create teams
  • Add users
  • Create user-defined fields
  • Create forms
  • Create workflow phases
  • Create business rules
  • Add tests to backlog items
  • Run tests
  • Analyse test results
  • Work with release
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