Thank you for your booking.

You will receive an email shortly with your booking details. If you have opted to pay by Purchase Order (PO), our finance team will be in touch with you to raise an invoice.

If you have any questions, or need to make a change to your booking, please contact our Training Team, who will be pleased to assist you. Our Training FAQs and Terms and Conditions may also help.

Training for Teams

Did you know, if you have a group of delegates to train, our onsite Training for Teams provides cost effectiveness and flexibility, with the ability to customise the courses for your needs.

The pricing is based on a flat fee - the larger the group, the lower cost per head - so better value.

Our onsite courses also eliminate travel expenses, accommodation costs, and time out of the office. Without leaving the building, staff can focus on their training in a familiar environment. Experience shows this boosts both confidence and productivity, and is a great way to maximise the effectiveness of training.

Visit the Training for Teams page, or contact us, for more details

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