Salesforce Test Automation

Migrating to or enhancing Salesforce applications presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. As businesses strive to keep up with the digital curve, the agility and robustness of their CRM systems become non-negotiable. Here's where the effectiveness of automated testing, especially in the Salesforce ecosystem, becomes a turning point. Prolifics Testing, with its deep-rooted expertise in quality engineering, stands at the forefront of navigating businesses through these complex waters, ensuring seamless transitions and upgrades.

The Challenges with Salesforce Test Automation:

Organisations looking at Salesforce Test Automation have the choice of using Open Source tools like Selenium or opting for Enterprise tools such as Tricentis Tosca or OpenText UFTOne that offer AI enabled Code-free Test Automation.

The choice usually comes down to budgets, but before making your decision, there are certain challenges that organisations should take into consideration:

  • Frequent Salesforce Updates – Salesforce is continually updating its platform and this impacts users customisations and also requires automated scripts to be updated, which can have a huge impact on script maintenance.

  • Having to test across Lightening and Classic versions – many organisations are still running both platforms which means both need to be tested.

  • Script maintenance – whilst Salesforce is a cloud based platform, it isn’t quite as straight forwards as maintaining a simple web app as it uses Dynamics elements (hard to capture), iframes (difficult to identify with open source tools), Heavy DOM structure (complex tree structure), hidden element identifiers (UI automation becomes complex) and custom pages (Visualforce, Aura, Apex and lightening Web elements). This all means Salesforce Test Automation can be much more complex than users expect and maintaining these scripts can become overwhelming and costly.

An Accredited Salesforce Partner

At Prolifics Testing, we have undertaken 225 Salesforce implementations through our 165 accredited Salesforce consultants. Over two decades of Salesforce implementation experience, we have developed multiple ways to tackle Salesforce Test Automation challenges to suit all budgets:

  • Open Source Selenium – we can develop an automated test pack for our clients using our Selenium Framework for Salesforce, provide full handover and training for clients to use internally or for those organisations who don’t have the bandwidth and also provide a fully managed service.

  • Quality Fusion for Salesforce – We have developed a wrapper around Open Source Selenium to make it completely code-free. This enables anyone to undertake Salesforce Test Automation with the flexibility to export all tests into Selenium at any point in the future. We can train your team or provide a fully managed service.

  • Enterprise Test Automation Tools – Our Test Automation CoE has looked at all the leading test tools in the market and we recommend Tricentis Tosca or OpenText UFTOne as they both offer AI enabled Code-free test automation, with VisionAI for object steering and self-healing AI to reduce ongoing maintenance. Prolifics can sell licenses, provide installation/configuration services as well as training in these tools.


Contact us

Salesforce Test Automation doesn’t need to be complex or costly, let an experienced Salesforce partner show you just how easy it can be. Contact us for a consultation or demo.

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