Thursday, 21 May 2020

What should public sector buyers look out for when searching for and evaluating software testing services on the Digital Marketplace?

When evaluating supplier offerings to decide which is the best fit, there are three principles to consider:

  • Technical merit – Can the software testing company confidently grasp your systems under development and technical attributes to offer a tailored solution?
  • Functional fit of the service – Does the testing service fully meet the needs of your organisation and its stakeholders?
  • Total investment cost – Will the software testing service require any additional spend on areas such as training or future maintenance? If so, can the supplier meet these needs in the longer-term? What will be the longer term ROI on testing projects? 

For example, when procuring Test Automation services, you may choose to evaluate a supplier on criteria such as:

  • Knowledge, expertise and a proven track record in Test Automation
  • Is the company skilled across a range of automation tools? Which tool vendors are they partnered with and can they deliver Open Source solution expertise?
  • Demonstrable experience of applying their skill set to a range of different particular projects. Has the supplier worked in a similar technical environment, or alongside the same application?
  • Does the supplier have the ability to support a Test Automation programme with additional test process improvement initiatives to ensure the long-term success and maximum return on investment for the programme?


Prolifics Testing has been a G-Cloud supplier since 2014 and we're proud to have four specialist software testing services on the latest G-Cloud 13 Framework for Cloud Support:

We're also a supplier on the Digital Outcomes (Testing and Auditing) and Digital Specialists (Performance Analyst and Quality Assurance Analyst) Framework via the Digital Marketplace.

Procurement guidance

If you need any guidance on your software testing projects, or are keen to know more about budgeting for successful software testing, we are happy to have a free, no obligation chat - just contact us to find out more.

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