A Software Testing Consultant in front of a futuristic computer display

Monday, 20 April 2020

Testing or quality assurance (QA) generally means checking that the technology does what you programmed it to do. In our fast-paced, competitive environment, however, “it works” is not good enough.

You need your testing/QA to generate these greater benefits:

  • Business expectations: Is the technology realising and fulfilling your desired business outcomes?
  • Integration: Does the technology work across all your systems and platforms?
  • The power of data: Are you making the best testing decisions using artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)?
  • Super-charged Quality Engineering & Assurance: Are you using intelligent automation and DevOps methods to cut the testing lifecycle while improving quality?

Prolifics Testing’s quality engineering and assurance consultants apply the latest methodologies and tools to answer these questions with you and realise these benefits.

Find out more about our Test Automation and Managed Service, and Contact us for a no-obligation discussion around your testing and QA requirements, and how they fit in with your desired business outcomes.

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