Who Should Attend?

This course is recommended for anyone new to Non-Functional Testing or has testing experience but needs to learn about Performance Testing with JMeter.

Exam Details

There is no exam as part of this course.


  • Learn the theory and types of Performance Testing to better plan an effective Performance Testing solution
  • Learn about the JMeter Tool and its components
  • Plan, Build and Execute a Test Plan to meet your objectives
  • Produce detailed analysis and reporting

Select a date

Please note: this course runs on demand so the price is TBC. It can be arranged to run on-site at your offices as Training for Teams or as a public course if there is sufficient interest.

Please contact us for more details.

Course Content and Agenda

  • What is Performance Testing?
  • Types of performance tests
  • Understanding workload
  • Alternatives to Performance Testing
  • Considerations before engagement
  • What is JMeter? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
  • Installation & Components
  • Manually create a test by adding Controllers, Samplers and Listeners

  • JMeter recording
  • Setting up the Proxy Server to capture HTTP quickly to aid rapidly building your tests
  • Add assertions into your tests to make sure they are working
  • Understanding Dynamic data
  • How to capture values and store them in variables for re-use
  • Why Data-driving your tests is so important
  • Different approaches to data-driven testing
  • Using a CSV file to data-drive your test
  1. Building a Scenario
  2. Using Timers
  3. Data Collection to Results files
  4. Merging Thread Groups
  5. Command-line execution
  • Capture results and output into logs
  • Convert to graphs and look for performance trends
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