We were invited to tender to become testing partner for Public Health England (PHE). Our team won the bid and the contract was awarded via the government's G-Cloud procurement framework.
We provide an on-demand service for independent Functional and Device Compatibility Testing. This offers PHE a flexible way of obtaining an impartial view from independent testing specialists, allowing them to focus on their campaigns while we provide confidence that externally-developed software is fit for purpose, across all platforms.
Getting started
As a part of our onboarding process, we worked with PHE to identify, from stats and analytics, the most popular devices typically owned by their target audiences.
Once a longlist was drawn up, an analysis exercise was undertaken to identify the optimum list by popularity, screen size, operating system and model.
A shortlist was then made from this, composed mainly of Android devices. Any devices not already owned were then obtained.
A framework for operations was then designed, based on templates for plans, scripts and reports, to ensure consistency for the team across all projects and campaigns.
Testing operations
On receiving a request for testing from PHE, our team provides an estimate and confirms the scope in a plan. Once agreed, we develop exploratory checklists so testing can be carried out consistently.
To make collaboration as seamless as possible, the team use Jira and Confluence for logging defects, viewing requirements and communicating with PHE and external development teams. We attend daily standups and provide regular status reports on completion of test cycles.